I’ve Been Thinking About Cats Again

October 4, 2011 at 11:09 am

I love how the Internet brings people together. Just yesterday, I saw a video from the “online dating service” http://www.E-HARMONY.com in which a very nice, articulate young lady shares her enjoyment of felines with the whole world.

The really incredible thing about the video is just how much this young woman loves cats. She loves cats so much that she even starts crying every time she thinks about them!

Seeing that video reminded me of my own two wonderful kitty critters, Pally and Izzie. Boy have they been in some shenanigans lately. Read more →→→


iLove the iPod!!

October 3, 2011 at 12:58 pm

My son Zachary’s 17th birthday is coming up, and when he told me he wanted an iPod, I thought he meant there was something wrong with his vision!

But it turns out that in this day and age, you can fit thousands of songs into one small piece of equipment.

I had to go to Cincinnati to pick up my cousin Barbara from the airport so on the way back we stopped at the “Apple” store before heading home. What a place!

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Plane Crashes Into Ferris Wheel: A wakeup call?

October 2, 2011 at 7:57 pm

A small plane crashed into a Ferris Wheel in Australia yesterday. No one was injured, but the people in the plane had to be rescued by other Australians. I remember a time when Planes were large and ferris wheels were small.


Bengals Watch: Bills vs. Bengals: Preview: Tales of the Tape

October 1, 2011 at 3:50 pm

The 3-0 Buffalo Bills are coming to town for one of their toughest contests yet as they play our hometown Bengals in Cincinnati this week. Read more →→→


Our Very First “Blind Items”!

September 29, 2011 at 7:05 pm

Hi everyone! Sadie Paxson here!

We’ve noticed that a lot of Internet gossip-blogs like to do posts called “Blind Items”, where they post scandalous celeb stories but don’t say who they’re about– the readers have to guess! I thought that was pretty neat, so I called up my #1 top celebrity gossip supplier (hi Aunt Ellie!) and got her to “dish the dirt” on a couple bigtime stars!

So, without further ado, here’s our very first Celebrity Blind Items post!

An actress takes a nose dive, a hotel staff gets an unexpected surprise, an A-lister gives a little “extra something” to his fans…all this and more in this week’s Preble Post celebrity “blind items”. We give you the juicy gossip, you guess the names!


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The Obama Tax Hikes May Be Unfair To Millionaires

September 27, 2011 at 3:36 pm

Everybody knows that the United States owes a lot of money to the Chinese.

President Barack Obama’s plan is to raise that money without having to cut spending by increasing taxes on millionaires and other super-wealthy Americans.

This seems like a fine idea at first, especially to those of us in Preble, who are regular everyday hardworking people and wouldn’t be affected by the taxes at all. But at the same time, is it possible that we’re giving millionaires the “short end of the stick”? Read more →→→


Bristol Palin is not a Homophobe

September 23, 2011 at 10:34 pm

In case you haven’t been “Palin’” attention to the media these past couple days, the entertainment blogs are all a- “Twitter” about Bristol Palin’s recent run in with a drunk person in a bar. In the video of the incident, which we won’t post because of some “PG-13” language, the budding starlet gets very upset when a man shouts mean things about her mother.

In the heat of the moment, Bristol said some off-color words about the man’s sexual orientation. Now people are accusing her of being a “homophobe.” Let’s hear Bristol’s side of the story, after the jump! Read more →→→


Satellite falling from orbit: Preble in danger?

September 23, 2011 at 10:09 pm

This just in: a top-secret NASA satellite is reported to be falling from orbit and will hit someplace in the USA in a matter of hours. The satellite is made out of high tech supermaterials such as stainless steel, titanium, and even beryllium. According to a NASA spokesperson, there is no way of knowing where the highly dangerous space debris will land. Could it be a threat to us here in Preble County? Find out after the “jump”: Read more →→→


BengalsWatch: Is Andy Dalton the Next John Elway?

September 19, 2011 at 12:25 pm

Welcome to the very first NFL Blog Post on the Preble Post! We might not have an NFL football team of our own here in Preble, but most of us live just an hour and a half away from Cincinnati, so we’re die-hard BENGALS fans around here. Can I get a “Who Dey!?!?!” Read more →→→


CIA Keeps America Safe For Another Day

September 12, 2011 at 4:13 pm

As you may know, yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks on America. It was a day that was also meaningful for another reason:

Throughout the past week, we have heard reports of suspicious “chatter” coming out of Pakistan, indicating that an Al Qaeda attack could be in store on this day of remembrance. And yet, yesterday was another quiet day throughout the country. Every single one of the numerous plots against America was foiled by the hard work and patriotism of the CIA.

Wherever you live in this great nation, if you see a CIA officer in your local grocery store or church, be sure to thank them for their incredible contributions in making us all safe. God bless America.

– Hank Talmadge