October 26, 2011 at 3:10 pm
In NFL news this week, a trade between the Eagles and Lions was voided when doctor’s discovered a tumor in Jerome Harrison’s brain.
The NFL requires that all players involved in a trade undergo a physical, and it appears this policy saved the veteran running back’s life. Doctors say his chances are very good, but they were lucky to catch it as early as they did.
If they hadn’t, he would probably be dead right now. And they say playing football is bad for you! Read more →→→
October 20, 2011 at 1:21 pm
Hi everyone! Sadie Paxson here!
We all have our little “quirks” and “secret talents”. Me, I’ve always had a special knack for predicting the gender of celeb babies!
Weird, right? But ever since I told my best girlfriend that “I had a feeling” Susan Sarandon’s first baby was going to be a sassy little girl, my “sixth sense” has been right more often than not!
Want to find out about this week’s crop of celebrity babies? Click read more! Read more →→→
October 16, 2011 at 4:28 pm
It’s that time of year again– time for the Preble County Pumpkin Festival, which will be held this October 29th-30th.
The Pumpkin Festival traditionally features pumpkin carving, line dancing, ghost story telling, and a “monster mashup†of songs from Preble’s favorite a capella group, “Tone Fol de Rolâ€.
There’s also the Preble County Pumpkin Festival Scare Cave, which is a load of fun, unless you’re my oldest son, Zachary. Read more →→→
October 12, 2011 at 4:58 pm
Hello again cat lovers!!! Do you ever get the feeling that your pet kitties are a tad smarter than the so-called “animal experts” give them credit for? Well I definitely had that feeling today! Read more →→→
October 10, 2011 at 1:54 pm
I’m a sucker for feel good stories, and after reading this I had to give each one of my kids a hug. Shortly after being named homecoming queen, she kicked a game winning field goal in her team’s football game! She is so impressive!
I’m very proud of my son (Hi Zachary!), and I wouldn’t Read more →→→
October 8, 2011 at 9:22 am
Famous Hollywood actor Sean Penn has been the subject of much speculation around the Preble Post Office ever since Milk wound up in our Blockbuster queue. In the movie, Penn plays Harvey Milk, the first gay governor of California. He had some very convincing “love scenes†in that movie, and in his speech at the academy awards he spoke out against anti-gay discrimination.
So, inquiring minds want to know: is Sean Penn gay in real life? Find out after the jump.
Read more →→→
October 7, 2011 at 7:49 pm
MSNBC is a great source for “weird newsâ€. The latest story is about a man who stole jewelry from a jewelry store while he was on trial for get this, robbery. I don’t understand why people keep doing this.
Maybe that is what happens when you get older and wiser… you look at the world and go Why?
October 7, 2011 at 7:36 pm
Tickets are going on sale for the October 22nd Fall Gala which will benefit the senior class at Preble County High School.
The theme this year is “Autumn Leavesâ€. It’s a great opportunity to support some even greater kids!
My second oldest son is Zachary is a senior and I am going to miss him very much. He’s such a sweet boy, he hasn’t had trouble at school since second grade.
That year I got called into the principal’s office for a chat because his teacher said that Zachary wouldn’t stop sticking his hands down his pants. I asked him why and he said, “I don’t know, it just feels good!â€
I told him it wasn’t appropriate school behavior and he’s been on the straight and narrow ever since!
Tickets are $3 for students and $5 for everyone else. The dance starts at 7:00pm. I’m hoping to see a lot of you there!
October 7, 2011 at 5:38 pm
File this one under “things that would never happen in Americaâ€! According to world news blog “Gawkerâ€, France has banned ketchup from its schools and universities.
Even students who bring their own ketchup from home will be apprehended and severely punished.
One of the things that makes America great is that Read more →→→
October 5, 2011 at 4:17 pm
A man in New York City bought a deserted island just off the coast from his home for $160,000.
Before he bought the island, which is called “Rat Island”, he was just a lowly sanitation worker. I’m inspired to see a hardworking blue collar type like me make his dreams come true.
This should remind us all that the American Dream is not dead. I hope that I can buy an island of my own someday. Read more →→→