Gordy Mitchellson

Man steals jewelry during his own trial!

October 7, 2011 at 7:49 pm

MSNBC is a great source for “weird news”. The latest story is about a man who stole jewelry from a jewelry store while he was on trial for get this, robbery. I don’t understand why people keep doing this.

Maybe that is what happens when you get older and wiser… you look at the world and go Why?


Blue collar man buys his own island!!!

October 5, 2011 at 4:17 pm

A man in New York City bought a deserted island just off the coast from his home for $160,000.

Before he bought the island, which is called “Rat Island”, he was just a lowly sanitation worker. I’m inspired to see a hardworking blue collar type like me make his dreams come true.

This should remind us all that the American Dream is not dead. I hope that I can buy an island of my own someday. Read more →→→


Plane Crashes Into Ferris Wheel: A wakeup call?

October 2, 2011 at 7:57 pm

A small plane crashed into a Ferris Wheel in Australia yesterday. No one was injured, but the people in the plane had to be rescued by other Australians. I remember a time when Planes were large and ferris wheels were small.


Moose Stuck in Tree, You Have To See It To Believe It!

September 11, 2011 at 5:07 pm

Oh my god, check this out–

A MOOSE got stuck in a tree in Sweden after eating some “fermented” apples.

Reminds me of Hank at the office christmas party!!! (just kidding, Hank!)

On a more serious note, it’s amazing how funny things can happen halfway across the world, and we can share chuckles about them right here in America through the power of the World Wide Internet.

What do you think the moose was thinking about when he was stuck in that tree? Give us your opinions in the comments.