Sadie Paxson

“Boy or Girl” World Premiere Edition!!!

October 20, 2011 at 1:21 pm

Hi everyone! Sadie Paxson here!

We all have our little “quirks” and “secret talents”. Me, I’ve always had a special knack for predicting the gender of celeb babies!

Weird, right? But ever since I told my best girlfriend that “I had a feeling” Susan Sarandon’s first baby was going to be a sassy little girl, my “sixth sense” has been right more often than not!

Want to find out about this week’s crop of celebrity babies? Click read more! Read more →→→


Is Sean Penn Gay?

October 8, 2011 at 9:22 am

Famous Hollywood actor Sean Penn has been the subject of much speculation around the Preble Post Office ever since Milk wound up in our Blockbuster queue. In the movie, Penn plays Harvey Milk, the first gay governor of California. He had some very convincing “love scenes” in that movie, and in his speech at the academy awards he spoke out against anti-gay discrimination.

So, inquiring minds want to know: is Sean Penn gay in real life? Find out after the jump.
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Our Very First “Blind Items”!

September 29, 2011 at 7:05 pm

Hi everyone! Sadie Paxson here!

We’ve noticed that a lot of Internet gossip-blogs like to do posts called “Blind Items”, where they post scandalous celeb stories but don’t say who they’re about– the readers have to guess! I thought that was pretty neat, so I called up my #1 top celebrity gossip supplier (hi Aunt Ellie!) and got her to “dish the dirt” on a couple bigtime stars!

So, without further ado, here’s our very first Celebrity Blind Items post!

An actress takes a nose dive, a hotel staff gets an unexpected surprise, an A-lister gives a little “extra something” to his fans…all this and more in this week’s Preble Post celebrity “blind items”. We give you the juicy gossip, you guess the names!


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Bristol Palin is not a Homophobe

September 23, 2011 at 10:34 pm

In case you haven’t been “Palin’” attention to the media these past couple days, the entertainment blogs are all a- “Twitter” about Bristol Palin’s recent run in with a drunk person in a bar. In the video of the incident, which we won’t post because of some “PG-13” language, the budding starlet gets very upset when a man shouts mean things about her mother.

In the heat of the moment, Bristol said some off-color words about the man’s sexual orientation. Now people are accusing her of being a “homophobe.” Let’s hear Bristol’s side of the story, after the jump! Read more →→→


Jersey Shore Girl Speaks Out On Pressures of Fame

September 10, 2011 at 9:57 am

Angelina Parnevik, a reality star from “the Jersey Shore” just did a hot new interview with In it, she claims that the media attention from the show tragically “ruined her life!”

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